
I think many of us are anxious about the future. Now with a vaccine we might all have a chance. Leadership is important. The rampant white supremacy and apathy in America has brought us to the brink. Not just in America but in the world.

No matter what happens I’ll never stop riding my bicycle if can and I’ll never stop writing. I had to distance myself from so many people because of their lack of respect for me. The crazy thing about is that some of these people knew each other but accused the other of being bad when they were doing the same thing. We say that you have to call people on it. It feels good when you do. To have peace of mind, you have to make it or take it.

Since the pandemic so many of us have been reaching out to people and that is important because we have to support each other. A lot of people have lost their jobs, lost people to the pandemic, can’t pay their rent, it’s a nightmare. Some people are complaining about the situation and I understand their frustration but some forget about how hard it was for other cultures who had no rights, no civil liberties, no due process and more. Now they think somehow someone has taken something from them but what they are really complaining about is entitlement. In these times you appreciate what you have, a roof over your head, clothes on your back, a job, electricity, family and friends. So many of us have nothing now. Not even clean water.

To be creative you have to expose your heart to make art. You have to go for it. So many people doubted me even family. Right now I’m in Japan and I’m glad that I came but it’s always a challenge but it wasn’t any easier back home. We always think that once we get to some point and open a door then we are ok but then we find more doors to try. So, it’s important to stay motivated and healthy. That is not always easy. Keep writing and riding and whatever you do that makes you feel whole. I’m still building too. Though I’m optimistic I still trying to reach my goals.